Brand new website and other updates

Welcome to my new website –

Over the last few months I’d become increasingly dissatisfied with the performance of the old website, it was very slow at times and quite often visitors simply got  a white page instead of a web page. On top of this there had been quite a few instances where the back end services which the site ran on would be unavailable for short period. In light of this I decided to change web host and at the same time take a new web address.

The new website name is derrived from the name of my 2009 calendar “Scotland through the light”. I wanted a more professional and relevant sounding name, “Scotland Through Light” just seemed better than “cjtphoto”.

There is still work to be done on the site, the About Me page needs to be completed and the portfolio needs populated. Once this has been done I will focus my efforts on the online shop which will allow visitors to order from a selection of prints from me. More information about the prints and their availability will follow soon.

Earlier in the year I mentioned that the “Moody Elgol Dawn” limited edition print that I donated to SiMBA for their charity auction fetched £500, Karen from SiMBA has kindly sent me a few snapshots of what the print looked like framed. I thought I’d share the images with you.

[singlepic id=13 w=320 h=240 float=center] [singlepic id=15 w=320 h=240 float=center]

I’m very pleased with how the print looks framed.

I’m hoping to be able to share some more new images with you soon that were shot on film. As soon as I have these scanned then I’ll get them uploaded to the portfolio. I’m enjoying using film again and from the results I’ve seen so far it has been a worthwhile effort especially using medium format rather than 35mm.

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