6 entries.
The photos of Benbecula and the Uists bring back lots of memories as I was stationed up their late 70’s early 80’s. I did do 3 months out on St Kilda and must dig out my old photos one day.
Best Regards
Fabulous site Chris, It makes me realise the good shots I miss at Hopeman must make a point of taking shots there a wonderful inspiration
Hi Chris,
Some fantastic shots in the portfolio. Maybe one day I'll get up early enough to chase the light, I say maybe!
Chris, a pleasure to meet you the other night. Plenty of inspiration for me on your site, especially like the 'purple' shot you got at Hopeman.
Best compliments for your works, lots of amazing landscape shots, really really marvelous.
Nice one. You finally have a shop in place 🙂 Site looks good so far nice and clean.