As always…it’s been a while since my last post.
Today is the day that my wee adventure to St Kilda begins. As many of you who follow my blog will know I am heading to St Kilda with my friend and fellow photographer Bruce Percy for a few days. Later this afternoon we will be sailing from Ullapool to Stornoway and then heading down to Harris tomorrow. All things being well with the weather then we shall be sailing from South Harris to St Kilda on Monday. I am a good sailor mostly but I’m not sure what the trip to St Kilda in a wee boat is going to be like, I’ve remembered to pack the Sea Sickness tablets just to be on the safe side.
This whole trip feels like an adventure and its really exciting. Bruce is quite used to adventures like this but for me this is going to be a whole new experience.
To give you an idea of what St Kilda looks like I recommend that you check out this blog by Dougie Cunningham on his website who was there quite recently
Bruce was also sent a link to a gallery by another photographer Dennis Balibouse who has also been to St Kilda, these images were shot in Black and White and contain quite a lot of atmosphere –
It would be fair to say that there is a huge amount of scope for some wonderful landscape shots and hopefully I will come back with some nice images.
I will post about my experiences on St Kilda when I get back. Until then…take care.
One thought on “St Kilda here we come!”
Hi Chris
I hate to tell you this, but I never had a moment’s sea-sickness until I went to SK. I was out on deck in all weathers, going back and fore across the Minch for years, laughing at all those who were suffering. That has all changed. It crept up on me unexpectedly not long after leaving Lewis for SK. Sadly, it hasn’t really left me since. Sea-sickness tablets are definitely a wise move. Hoping you have a wonderful time. I am very jealous (but not so jealous that I’d make up a sea-sickness story just to get you worried …)